moulin rouge still makes me cry
its ewan mcgregor. he's amazing.
and when he sings. its amazing.
he's more amazing than jude law. eek!
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people are fake and its so disgusting.
yeah i suppose i am too at times
but oh my gosh some people just drive me crazy!
uh oh sharla wants to try something new. oh no!
she's a horrible person.
my gosh. i'm a curious teenager.
screw you and let me live. mk thanks.
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i've never been alone really.
without a boy.
without someone i'm crushing on.
without having someone crush on me.
its lonely.
but i'm proud of myself for not having that boy craziness.
i almost cried today it was horrible.
i'm so angry about my grades.
i have sucky teachers.
3 classes shot to hell because the teachers don't teach and the grading system is so insane it doesn't make sense.
i love you