December 31, 2008
I decided I need to be more specific with my resolutions and organize them so I can actually follow them.
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1. I need to learn to accept myself and stop trying to change to be more like other people or for other people
2. I need to stop judging people that I don't approve of. Everyone has to take their own path and learn their lessons their own way just like I am and have been.
2b. This also means I need to not get jealous of other girls. I am my own person and people like me for who I am.
2c. Don't let other's cruel actions affect my attitude towards life.
2d. forgive more easily
2e. forgive myself
3. Pay off my debt completely and stay away from credit cards
4. Get a job, which I guess comes before number 3, but I want to find this job and keep it for at least a year.
5. Figure out a budget and build up a savings
6. Move on...have the will power and self control to know that enough is enough.
7. Go to church at least a couple times a month to start and slowly build. (first find a church i'm comfortable with)
8. Be able to afford an apartment by the end of summer
9. Keep busy and make sure guys come last
9b. No more boys unless it starts right and slow. Meet. Go on a Date or 2 or 3. no kissing until a feeling has been established and is mutual and is sober
10. Take care of myself first and foremost.
10b. learn to cook healthy meals so i can be healthy.
10c. make a workout schedule and stick to it. work out 3 times a week.
10d. take multi-vitamins daily
11. Once finances have been established pick a charity and give monthly.
11b. join the Make-a-Wish Foundation and volunteer
11c. be apart of more awareness walks
12. smile more :)
13. take a dance class by the end of september
there might be more added on later
this is going to be a year of improvements
and i'm excited about it
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