end of an online conversation one day:-
a: It hurts to see you with him, and you know it.
b: For fuck sake, i'm happy with him, why can't you be happy for me?
a: I just cant stand seeing you with him, or you always talking about him.
b: Why? Why can't you fucking be happy for me?
a: Because i love you...
[b does not reply]
a: ...
[still no reply]
[A goes offline. B sits in silence, not talking to anyone else online]
Next day:-
[B is online, being friendly towards all her friends. A comes online, B ignores him until he starts the conversation. B answers with short replies.]
a: hey
b: hi
a: you ok?
b: yup
a: ...
a: you thought about what i said yesterday?
b: yup
a: ...and?
b: what?
a: nothing, forget it.
b: fine
[A goes offline, B goes back to talking to friends.]
The course of the next few weeks:-
*A sits quietly in his room weeping every night, B goes out with her bf.
*Every conversation between A and B goes the way the last one shown above does, A being friendly, B ignoring him and trying to forget all about what he said.
*The friendship between them fades and dies.
*A eventually kills himself because he fucked up the friendship.
*B trys to forget about A and doesn't even go to the funeral because she doesn't want anything to do with him.
Morals of the story:-
*Those three simple words, 'i love you' can fuck up a friendship more then anything.
*People never consider what their actions could cause.
End notes:-
* Any referance to an actual conversation is purely coincidental
* This is a fictional story, and because of that the characters do not have names. The reader can give them any names they like.
The bad guy/girl?
B is not meant to come out of this as a bad person. If this is how it seems, i apoligise, this conversation is not meant to be sexist in any way. A is just as bad, if not worse.
For example, if A could have kept his mouth shut in the first place, it never would have happened.
And although B pushes him away in the next conversation, A is overly friendly, and is pretty much asking to be pushed away.
And in the end, A does something incredibly stupid instead of sitting down with B, in person, and talking the whole thing over rationally.
A kept trying to be friendly, a little too friendly, and B kept pushing him away because of this. B wasn't at the funeral because by the time A killed himself, B was fed up with A's constant behavior.
This isn't to say B wasn't wrong in how she behaved, more to say neither of them acted in a rational way.