Hey everybody.
Guess what.
I got a new topic to talk about.
So yeah, teachers suck. So do a lot of adults, actually.
Basically, they suck for a number of reasons:-
* As long as they get want they want out of you, they do not give a fuck about you.
* They never take any notice of you when you try and explain you actually do have a life outside what they want, even if they do not.
* As long as you are an obedient little slave, they do not care what you do outside of their supervision (unless it goes against what they've told you)
* They are self-obsessed, egotistic assholes
* Despite all this the law still does not allow us to lock them all up
* No matter how many get locked away, there are always more
* They underestimate your potential as a human being (As suggested by my Russian friend, Nastasha)
* They tell you you can talk to them about ANYTHING and then when you do you get slaughterd for it. -Lou
Anyone got any other reasons?
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