dumm di dumm dumm dummmm!!!

Listening to: none
Feeling: immature
hey...today was okay, but i felt really weird. i was acting really awkward adn not myself.....hmm. it was like, i dunno, i can't explain it!!! Goodridge was....uhh! i can't stand that lady!!! gym was awesome!!! tasha seemed very secluded at lunch, but in geometry she wasn't. lol. her and vanessa kept telling ppl to close the door and it was funny. jhtbt. Dr. Gibson came into our third period today to tell us about picking our classes for next year. i am taking english 10h, us world history, spanish 2, chemistry, health/topics, prolly algebra 2 h with trig, adn u dunno about my elective. i might sit in on Kuhlenschmidts class cuz i dotn understnad anything and it "might be a good idea". uhh. lol. Tasha and Vanessa crack me up!! they are silly girls. but i love them both!!! i went to choir which SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!! i had to sit by the twins (well actually they aren't twins but yeah). then i went with Almeta and Ashleigh to the hockey game. i saw my new sister there! lol. and Mrs. Hughes claimed me as her daughter! lol whoo that was interesting. well asheigh and i are gonna go watch sister act. buh bye
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Hey gurlie! Mrs. Hughes claimed you as her daughter?! I would be emotionally scarred for life! I hope that you had fun with ashleigh! c ya in band on TUESDAY! (haha you trumpet player you! MONDAY is trumpet day... not FRENCH HORN day.. thankfully!)
Hey! What's up? Well, whatever it is I bet it is cool! Indeed! Well, goodbye!
