Geruckian Nerbs! YAY!

so Jenn and I are apparently German Kentuckians from the same relatives...okay, not really. But we both came from Germany and had/have a lot of family in Kentucky. Oh yeah, and we're both nerbs. haha...ooh, totally forgot about that. we were trying to master our geruckian accent monday. it was hilarious. shannon and almeta were over today and we were watching "A League of Their Own" that movie! and yesterday, almeta came home with me, her mom picked her up to get a flu shot, and then she returned (with icecream so i let her in...well, she came in through the garage without my permission) and we fell asleep on the chair and a half and woke up with her mom pounding on the front door. haha. sry bout that terrie. but mama was like, "you girls were so cute! I wanted to take your picture but....well I didn't." crazy woman. Had the PLAN test today....bah. man, i'm i'm gonna go. bye!
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Gosh Lauren, you're so nerby. lol That was fun stuff. Thanks for the smile, I needed it. You geruckian nerb, you. :)
aw! she thinks we are cute!