The Blair Witch Project

Feeling: jubilant
awww, yay, I just got back from seeing Gregg and Adrian! They are so cute! I love them to death! Tonya was also there with Tessa! it's like old times tonya: "sh*t, i don't want tessa to turn out like me at all..I'll whoop her a** if she EVER tries to stand up to me. I have to get her in line" and of course judy had to make her political statement of the night lilly (their new dog) has been having a humping problem and tonight she was trying to hump daisy and gary goes, "OOOH, WAY TO GO LILLY!" it was very disturbing and of course, dad had to brag about everything...geez we were also talking about how old tonya is going to be whenever tessa is a teen and stuff. judy apparently had tonya when she was 21 and they were like, "so, whenever you were 36, Tonya was 15" and tonya is 36 right now so it'd be like tonya being my mom....which would be awesome!!! granted she does get a taaad drunk (okay, like throwing up everywhere and screaming at the top of her lungs and dancing on tables and falling all over the place) at social occassions, but still. it was quite amussing. mrs. hawley was making fun of my test today in spanish class. she was grading them and goes, "GUYS, YOU NEED TO LEARN THE VOCAB! I HAVE A PAPER IN FRONT OF ME THAT SAYS (turns paper over to reveal my name) A PIZZARA IS A PIZZA PLACE....WROOONG! IT'S A CHALKBOARD!" and everyone chuckled, but how was i supposed to know? i learned that like last year...and we were talking about like panderias, joyerias, stuff like that, so pizzara = pizza place. but ya konw's in the's behind me....i'm over it samantha and i were discussing today how i keep my emotions and feelings hidden and don't really express them to the full extent that i should/others do...oooh well. well, mama just yelled at me to get ready for bed so i'm gonna go
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i'm staring at you....ahhhh scary