let your reflection show...

Listening to: national geographic
Feeling: happy
saw Phantom of the Opera again last night with abby....it's such a good movie!!!!!! "The Phaaaaaantom of the Opera is heeeeere, inside my mind" whoooo, worked today 8-4....it was cool though b/c abby and I didn't have much prep work to do and we got done at 10 and had an hour to mess around. Cassie gave me a ride home....she's def my favorite server...and yeah. Abby and I also got to expedite..expedite = eat a lot and work a little! perfect job for me. I'm watching something on national geographic right now...like the top most amazing something...it's like a marathon of diff things with 4 diff categories an hour...fun stuff.... well I'm gonna go
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i'm glad your feeling happy lpski!!!!!