
What is your name?: Lauren Are you named after anyone?: nah Would you name a child of yours after you?: no, but I really like the name Elizabeth…but still, no If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: Ryan Benjamin…seriously. My parents were prepared. If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: Lauren “Paige” Elliot Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: no, but they always pronounce my last night wrong…how hard is it? P-A-C-K…honestly Would or Have You Ever? Liked your voice?: not sure Hurt yourself?: no Been out of the country?: no but I want to go to greenland Eaten something that made other people sick?: not sure Gone skinny dipping?: no Had a medical emergency?: def: stomach stuff, broken arm, beans and rocks up my nose (several times, might I add.) Had surgery?: yeah, mouth surgery. Pretty disgusting, actually. So I won’t go into detail Ran away from home?: wouldn’t get far if I did Played strip poker?: no Gotten beaten up?: no Beaten someone up?: no but hurt a girl Been picked on?: yeah Been on stage?: definitely!! Slept outdoors?: mannny times. On my parents balcony! And camping and such Thought about suicide?: no Pulled an all nighter?: yes Gone one day without food?: yeah, 40 hour famine Talked on the phone all night?: yes, last night, in fact. And to lots of other ppl, too Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: yeah Slept all day?: yes Made out with a stranger?: almost did with joe baaaah Had sex with a stranger?: no Been betrayed?: yes Had a dream that came true?: yes Broken the law?: yeah Met a famous person?: yeah, gregg hale Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: bugs On purpose?: NOOO! Well…bugs Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: yes…sorry Almeta Stolen anything?: no Been on radio/tv?: yes. For choir and stuff. Making fun of the lady singing, making fun of our outifts. Haha!! Fuuuun! And in 2nd-3rd grades for mr. Science person!!! Had a dream that kept coming back?: ahh, yes. Let’s not remind anyone Love and All That Do you consider love a mistake?: no What do you find romantic?: eating strawberry’s down by the river at night. Dancing in the rain. And what else was it, Ash? Haha. Turn-on?: bah, everything kyle did :-/ well, up until about christmas time Turn-off?: unfaithfulness First kiss?: sooo sweetness. If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: been there done that….baaah! Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going out: no, I want to go out with complete strangers who could be serial killers! Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: havne’t really thought about it much Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: yes…AARON! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is best about the opposite sex?: when they hold you tight in their arms and you feel like nothing can touch you and that the world is put on hold during those times. What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: acting stupid and different around their friends What's the last present someone gave you?: mama gave me a notebook and pencils!! Woohoo! Are you in love?: now…no
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"they always pronounce my last night wrong". um, ok. im not shur, but i think u meant "name".
"when they hold you tight in their arms and you feel like nothing can touch you and that the world is put on hold". thats deep lp.