funeral service

Feeling: crummy
well, it's almost 12...FYI tonight was the "visitation" (i put quotes around that because it wasn't really a visitation since he was cremated...but still) and funeral service for Jack and man was it emotional. everytime I looked at either Kris or Jen, I lost it. Barb, Jacks wife/dads sis, doesn't show her emotions and no one has seen her cry b/c she is trying to be strong for everyone, esp jenny and kristen, but she was gettin together Jacks Illini hat and jacket and I saw her get really emotional about that, so whenever they had it on the stage at the church and I saw it, I couldn't stop crying..oh man. my dad sang "How Great Thou Art" so afterwards everyone was like, "oh you were great!" and then was like, "I heard you and Barb used to sing together" and then they ALWAYS asked the question, "so, does Lauren sing?" and then he would go into his year-long story bout operas and stuff...but yeah. then they'd be like, "oh, well Glenda, do you sing?" and mama always responds with "uh, NO!...well, in the shower"..but yeah Kayla is currently playing with Woody and Katie....Katie is so cute! she reminds me of natalie *tear* but yeah. there are some tootsie pops next to or don't eat...that is the question...heck, I'll take one. so we're leaving like...tomorrow morning round 9 since Kayla and Tammy leave at 8:30 to catch their flight...but yeah. then another day of driving til we get home and then I get to do all my homework I was supposed to do on the four-day weekend and then some....BLAH. well, I think Kayla and I are gonna go watch some golden girls and let the dogs out
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I just came across this entry featured on the main page & I just wanted to stop by say that I'm sorry for your loss.