hospital visits

Listening to: shannon on phone
Bah, I hate the hospital. nurses: "so, what is your pain on a level from 0-5?" me: "right now?" nurses: "yes" me: "0" nurses: "well why are you in the hospital?" me: "DON'T ASK ME!" i had to miss my choir trip and I had an IV and this lady couldn't work it and i have a purple bruise on my right hand...and 2 needle marks but they finally got it in my left hand yeah, it really hurts and they kept asking me to sign stuff and I was like, "well you have me attached to a machine that spits fluids into my veins at the moment, come back later" and when they took the IV out, the needle was bent b/c I slept with my hand back (under my pillow) so it was grody and they deprived me of food i was so hungry Peter the Pumpkin came in (cause I was in pediatrics b/c I'm still a child since I"m under 16) and gave me food and I was so hungry and I (literally) had the resee's cup up to my mouth with my mouth open ready to take a bite and the nurse comes in"oh, you can't eat until the orthopediatric guy sees you" 12 hours later...i finally get to eat the resees I got an took an hour sounded like a jack hammer loud it was cold at first but later on i was hot and when it was finished we went out in the hallway and it was soooo cold!! at they kept waking me up to check my "vital signs" but apparently they gave me pills and i didn't even wake up ever overall it was a HORRIBLE experience and I'm not going back ever oh, and to top off the night.... a guy that my aunt and uncle sort of 'adopted' into our family that doens't have any family of his own was in the hospital (the same one) and he died last night his funeral is tomorrow in KY
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