Street Relief

Well last night Shannon and I sold buttons for street relief down main for the autofest. I got to know Lindsey and Mariellen better. it was nice. but shannon and i only sold 4 buttons together! but gosh, shannon had no nerve to ask ppl! chicken. then tonight sam and I sold them. all the ppl we asked were really standoffish so we were afraid of them. then we saw Jacob and he bought one! then the Wells bought 4...elliot (sams friend) bought one, Tasha and her dad each bought one, a priest bought one, the guy we bought a drink from bought one, sams friends family bought one, and I'm sure there are others but I just can't seem to remember. There were these two freshmen girls and one was black and the other was trying to act was kinda sad actually. but man, there were some hoooottt guys there! Sam: look at him! Me: button up shirt? Sam: look at him! Me: button up shirt? Sam: look at him! Me: THE ONE IN THE BUTTON UP SHIRT? Sam: oh, yeah Me: so we have 90 (dollars) Sam: shhhh Me:......PERCENT...ON MY MATH TEST! It's 7:08!! what? *mumble mumble* what? My Mom died...GREAT! vegetables Sam: Look at that lady's hair! Me: crap, I'm not on the ball today. I was trying to think of an insult. Sam: oh haha Me: I was gonna say like, 'Oh that empire'..but no...Bag of cotton? Sam: bag of hair...HAIRBALL!! Me: YEAH, what did you let your cat sit on your head while hacking up hairballs? Sam: ahahahahaha! *Both see hott big group of guys* Me: Let's sell buttons to them!! Sam: Yeah!! Wanna button? *Both look at them* couple seconds later Sam: OH MAN...look behind us! look behind us! they got up and followed us!!! Me: *look back* OOOOH MAAAAAN!!!!! Sam: There's no where to go! We're trapped! ooooooh man! great times great times. and then Kenzie called while going home and said she had a gift for me. (it was a slide for my bracelet) and we hung out with her and Kathy for a while. Oh my gosh, Kathy has to be the funniest person I have seriously ever met. She is hilarious! I can't get enough of her! The relationship between almeta and myself....bah. not what I want it to be...but she seems to get on my nerves easily...and i believe vice versa. it'll prolly pass though...always does. It was weird...last night my mom and I got in a fight while I was driving so that made me drive badly and then we started fighting about that. But so I was all mad and I had no where to go, so I got a composition notebook, pencil, and flashlight and headed for the tree. That is becoming my favorite spot to be! it is so pretty out there...even at night. I love it. I actually slightly fell asleep but then my phone alarm went off for my time to go in cause I have a curfew for amount of time I can be in a tree out back...riidiculous! but yeah, once i got there, I just started writing and writing and couldn't stop. worked 8-2:30ish today cause I got cut early! yay!!! I work from 11-4 tomorrow...Kathy and Kenzie might be coming in to see me. Yay!
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i love you lauren elizabeth pack