
Feeling: unsettled
so work sucked i came home and saw my parents for the equivalent of about...hmmm....4 minutes? 3? but yeah. they are going to a wedding in some other town and thought they had to leave at 5:30 but it actually started at 5:30 but yeah. and since we don't have annnny regular food in the house (unless i want to eat frozen chicken strips.....again) so i called Franco's and they weren't delivering so i called dominos and i thought they said 1530 instead of 1630 but i didn't say anything. so i'm waiting...and waiting...oh, and waiting. so i get a call from "Pay Phone" and it's this guy (scary voice) and i said, "NOOO, 1630!" "oh.....okay" so yeah. but i thought it was cool cause the price was $16.30 and that's the numbers of my address. but yeah. so i'm sitting at home all alone (just sitting...haha shannon) and i hear *BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOOOOM* on the door! it scared the bageeves outta me. but it was this big man. yeah. he said, "It'll be $16.30" and i started to chuckle and tell him why but he had this confusing look on his face so i stopped. i think that too many ppl are going by letters. like at work we have D, J, DJ, C, P, LP (teehee!), and 2 DC's...well actually one got fired. and i'm sure we have more. but yeah! this guy tonight was like, "whats your name?" "lauren" "oh, you're really quiet!" "*smile**couple seconds later* what's your name?" "my friends call me D". and the other dishwashing guy is DC and the first night he told me his name, i forgot it and called him CD. yeah. sooo confusing!!! i talked to whitney's boyfriend for the first time tonight. he is a skinny little man, but deep, deeeeep voice! haha! ooooh, this girl is really really gettin on my nerves. selfish beast. so i'm thinking about sportin bball shorts and a t on monday. i wonder what meta's mama will say. it was funny. almeta had this dolce and gabbana stuff and i read it like 'doolseee and ga-bananana' and her mom was like, "LAUREN, PLEASE...PLEASE TELL ME THAT YOU ARE DOING THAT ON PURPOSE!" and i was like, "but terrie, isn't that how you pronouce it?" and she was in shock...absolute shock! ahh, i love messin with their family. isabella and i had a thumb war fight today! she is so adorable! dad was teachin me all this stuff about computers today. and about a....oh crap i cant remember the name but it keeps nasa's satellites going in the right direction and i got to hold a miniature model of one. it was awesome. ooookay, well i'm a dork. but doens't matter. but i'm gonna go finish watchin Law & Order SVU (it's a marathon!!)
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i sent that pic of andre to charlie! i think he's a lil p.o. I don't know why?
yeah. thanks fur sleepin in the came bed with me at camp. the bed was like 2 inches wide and we shared a sleeping bag that's the size of a mushroom?