Where do liars go?

Oh wow.. there are only so many things that I can say about this. If you do choose to lie, you better be good at it. DoN't CoUnT oN sOmEoNe BeInG tOo StUpId To FiGuRe It OuT!!! Especially if that person.. just happens to be me or if you currently are pretending to be my friend. I've not lost faith in everyone.. there are good people left in the world. I just have not met them yet. To that person.. who, I'm guessing, just feels compelled to lie.. the next time you expect me to be there for you, think about all of the times that you should have been there for me and weren't before you pick of the phone. It's your turn to know what it is to be let down. [ Background by www.nuthinbutnet.net ]
Read 4 comments
so true
ewwwww i hate liars. i say we kick that liar in the face. mwahaha =)
hi would you nail me?
i see you it says you're an active user =)