The doctor says my voiceloss is most likely permanent. Therfore, i should get used to never talking again.
Just kidding. It came back!!!!
*Dances* I joined photography club today and we're getting the oppurtunity to display 2 pieces of work at my favorite coffee shop, The Beehive. We're gonna have prices on them and all. I'm really siked. I'm having a hard time picking 2 though. I've kind of narrowed it down to these. But they'll probably change because I'm ridiculously indecisive. So some input would be helpful *cue the comments from all of you.* And i still haven't taken my picture taking trip downtown yet, so yeah we'll see.
i forgot he was in it and then i was invited to play dance dance revolution rather than watch the superbowl and i went for it because i'm not a football fan.
i'm so mad now. maybe i can find it online...
btw, if you did watch the superbowl which i did for a little bit but not very long, didn't the commercials suck this year?
hey stephy. i like all of the pictures you take. but my favorite out of those ones is the cosmic bowling one. its unique and differnt. its not everyday you see a cosmic bowling picture =).
your buddy.
my 2 favorite are the cars and the bowling lane ones... really sweet
I like the lights and if you can crop the stone steps one right it should look pretty good to.
i like the bowling one. that last one kind of looks like a giant penis in the middle of the woods. lol
So what's up?
i forgot he was in it and then i was invited to play dance dance revolution rather than watch the superbowl and i went for it because i'm not a football fan.
i'm so mad now. maybe i can find it online...
btw, if you did watch the superbowl which i did for a little bit but not very long, didn't the commercials suck this year?
your buddy.