'You're mom's chalk.'

Listening to: incubus- redefine
Damnit, I really want to try to update this thing more. --- So we are all sleeping over Katie's right now. Us girls had a relaxing night of movies about killers and friendship (Identity and Stand By Me). We went night swimming. Pigged out on pizza and cheese fries. Now it is near 3 in the morning. At the moment, all my friends have that sort of natural high you get when you are really tired. It's like you can't think clearly due to lack of sleep. I love that feeling. Hah. Krista is speaking jibberish and continuously telling the story about how I almost ran over the fucking pigeon at Walmart today. It was really damn funny. Ever since I recovered from my surgery (not going to lie- it still hurts pretty bad and it will for months but i’ll live), summer has been back to normal—normal meaning freaking kick ass. Great times with my amazing friends. From fishing with the boys at 5 in the morning, to chilling with the girls on nights like this, to combining everyone together for insanity. I just love them. I love the fact that I can be myself 100%. My screwed up, weird, demented self. It's just comfortable. I found a group of people that I can just enjoy myself with no matter what the hell we are doing. And I think I’ve gotten out of my ‘I’m-so-lonely’ phase. For so long, I was looking for some guy to come into my life and make me feel good about myself. Like I had a somebody. But I finally realized I don’t need any commitment in my life to make me feel complete. I’ve got enough people in my life who care about me. Again, I just love them. --- So I’ve got money now with this job and all. I hate money. I hate it so bad. But hey, it feels really nice, like reallllll nice, to have some in my pocket. I’m planning on saving up for a trip to Greece and Italy in December with my cousin’s school. It’s a really good deal and there’s nothing I’d want more than to go to Europe. Oh man, I bet I could get some sweet pictures and I hear those people over there play some insane hackeysac and just wow Europe. A new place. A new culture. Just seeing it all. Ah, i really hope i go. --- We were out today and there was this little girl running around the store. She was crying and she had clearly lost her mom. I saw her, but I didn't see anyone helping her out. People are just too involved and absorbed in their own lives to notice this little girl. I'm guilty of it. But at this moment... when I saw that little girls face... my life seemed so small... I just wanted to help her. I dropped my life and took her hand. She stopped crying right away. We found her mom and she looked right at me and waved goodbye. Her mom said thanks. I continued on, but less aware of all the stupid details in my life and eyes wide open to everyone around me. Everyone I looked at, people on who on a regular basis I would pass right up, were starting to look like they could use a hand. Actually-- every single person I passed seemed like they could use a little help. We all could I guess. --- Well kids, enjoy your summer.
Read 11 comments
oh stephyyyyy! haha yesterday was crazy, and you made my day when we were only together for a good 10 minutes. haha the story involves a bird.. and saying fuck you alot.. thats all i gotta say about the bird.. but me tweaking out with the chalk and writing all over you with it and oh my god.. lol so much fun!!! hahahah good times with the girls *hearts you all so much*

LateR x3

you enjoy yours too

woo! i wish i could enjoy summer right about now but it's winter but it isnt snowing yet which sucks, and yes, i do live in new zealand.
and that makes trying to get CKY cds very, very hard.
I'm kinda sad I havent been able to drive in the car with you yet...let's hope that changes soon, i wanna see how great a driver you is.

poor children getting lost in stores.
i'm glad that you're happy.
let's hope the rest of the summer stays this good.
Things like that little girl in the store really get me thinking too. For me, it's usually the older crowd who sit alone and have no one to talk too.
Oops, there i go being all anonymous.

- solitaryfille
My car exploded....
-Sir Willis of the Wolves-
I love you guys.

Hope the car is okay Bill.
Rawb you will drive with me.
Bill too cause his car exploded.
Krista thanks, you are a sweetheart.
My SIT friends.. you're comments are much appreciated.

I best drive with you...

Yea i might be needing a ride...