We are sloths in a relationship.

I swear it was just the first of October. --- See, the thing that scares me the most: I am working my ass off on my art portfolio which has a 'chance' of getting accepted into the school i want to go to. A 'chance.' A may or may not. I swear if all of this art goes to waste, I will be a wreck. --- From busting my ass to complete my portofolio, to working alot at the manor (soon to be mondays-fridays), to my apprenticeship, to school, and to trying to balance everything with a decent social life-- I feel like I could fall over at any second. My eyelids are three thousand pounds. A personal massuese would be fucking great. I just need a night to pause everything, clear my head from all this chaos, and just chilllll. You know what sounds amazing? Another trip to Cedar Creek trip. If only I could of lived in that moment forever... Sometimes, I hate you so bad Reality. --- Random excerpt of thought as I type this: I'm on this cold metal computer chair and I'm thinking if i could wish for one thing right now it would simply be just a hug. One that is real and good. Right now, that sounds pretty perfect. --- We had this guest speaker and this is how the story goes: Speaker says 'I mean we could all live in a cave wearing a potatoe sack, drinking water, and hunting our own food. But who would really want to do that?' Me. I raise my hand. I was the only one I think.
Read 3 comments
steph, it's ash. I can totally relate to this whole entry. Taking 17 credits, working, being in SDA, and joining a sorority, sleep is hard to find..
Thanks ash. That really helped bring me to the ground and realize that basically everyone is knee deep in shit-to-do. it sucks, i gues thats life. hope all is well though. get in touch with me next time u visit home!
Remember the Party Zone Pinball machine? Wasnt that the best thing EVER?!?

Love Rob