Solitary confinement, kind of.

Check out that band. They're sick. There's something super catchy about their music. --- It's been five days since my surgery. I wish I could update about what I've been doing. But I really don't even know. It all sort of blends together. I don't really know what I've been doing with myself all this time. I blame that on the Perks they had me scheduled to take every 4 hours. The effects those pills had on me was crazy. Sure, they helped with the pain. But in doing that, they sort of shut down my brain too. Seee.. I went to Rit's party on Friday. It was a bowling party. Do i remember bowling? No at all, seriously. All i remember was Dad coming to get me when it was over. We were walking to the car and I noticed that I was still wearing my rented bowling shoes. Oh geez. Those damn Perks. I wanted to go out Saturday though so Mom gave me only half a pill. Court picked me up and we went to Kristas. Then, we picked up Stace, Abe, and Meg. Sounds like a fairly normal night, right? It def was not. I was still all weird. I could not talk at all. I kept trying to tell stories but it would take about a half an hour becuase I kept repeating myself or laughing or making no sense. So instead i would just do something that didn't involve talking. Like IM random people on Krista's sn and type stupid stuff like fakldfajlkf to see what they would say back. Or get cats to start beating eachother up. Hah, so weird. So I'm not sure if it was the side effects of 1.) half a pill or 2.) being a recluse. I think it was the latter. People should never be stuck at home that long bored out of their minds. It messes with ya. I guess I appreciate school a little now. I understand why we go. And i understand why people get jobs and stuff when they are older. If we didn't, we'd go crazy and we wouldn't have anything to do with ourselves. We always needs to feel 'busy.' That's why we do what we do. So we don't get bored. I think i just cracked a little bit of the code to living. Maybe.. possibly...? Heh, sorry I'm still acting weird. --- To Chuck E Cheese, we go tonight! I will never be too old for that place.
Read 5 comments
WHO HO chucki- cheeses! ... But I'm curious what was the surgery? Oh adn I'll bet your friends had fun watching you be doped up. Yeah I'd take advantage of that and laugh at you.
bye like
steph steph steph. what would I do without you in drafting?! well at least your lucky enough to travel in a school bus.. but its a pity you will die of a papercut and excess bleeding.

well I guess all I can say is, watch out for that deadly paper.
i love the faint.. worked up so sexual as to be my fave by them
When I was over Sunday I noticed your fast talking ways. I got scared at the word salad.

Heh... word salad def described it. I later thought about some of the things I said and I was completely convinced that those pills HAD to of still been in my system.