
Listening to: Boxcar Racer
Feeling: aggravated
There's so much to do before back to school. Only three days until I have to put up with my constant bad moods, lack of coffee, cigarette addiction, general stress because of exams, and stupid ignorant people. It'll take me away from being content, as i have just settled into. Crag&I arent talking anymore because he was being snobby and hurtful so, therefore no more talky. I've given up on trying to keep people if: a) I haven't even met them before, b) they're going to be constantly emotionally ridiculous etc. I mean, i had a sleepover at shealyns the other night, I woke up half way through the night, freezing my ass off and thinking i was in my moms bed for some reason. And I don't even remember half the fucking night, which i think is stupid, but fuck i've been sleeping so much since I have THC in my body.. I mean before I was plagued with general insomnia, but nooo not when i'm on drugs. It's stupid. If you find your life boring and stupid, why do anything? (you know who im talking to) why even talk to me, when all i do is sit there stoned or drunk, i'm perfectly content with being intoxicated every night thank you. It'd be your own fault your life is pointless, not anyone else's. I have to go read now. Because I have a headache and I'm getting stressed about exams and everything else. the only good thing about today, was when Geran called me just to tell me that one of my favvie songs is on the radio. <3
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