I'm glad to say that I'm moving on.

Listening to: Bush
Feeling: imaginative
I've come upon some kind of realization: It's that i'm glad to have moved on from what i was; to what i am, and from the people i knew; to the people i now know. Life's too complicated, but then you have those days when it's good, even if only for two or so hours at a time. Going penguin hunting with an emo girl of all sorts Image hosted by Photobucket.com and then taking a picture of it, to meeting a curly haired boy on a bike, and his metalxcore buddy who is equally as rad. Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com I really only want to stay in this state of imagination and carefree stature, because when tuesday comes, the stress does too. I cant wait for school to be over, and I cant wait for my life to pass me by, because all i have motivation for doing is leaving this house, and going on my own for once. My life would be much more orderly, and this i know for a fact. I just want to have no more stress, and no more mother, and to actually have some sort of planned life ahead of myself, because right now, all i know is that all arrows are pointing downward. I feel haphazard and dangerous to myself, I want to know no one and I want to just flee from being a human. If I could do one thing with my life, it would be to.. disappear. But, be somewhat imbobilized as this figure in the sky, or molded, and sponged into peoples memories. I am not happy with life, and i know it is equally displeased with how I've set myself up. That's all for my emo thoughts and bliss. Ta Ta.
Read 1 comments
mmmmmm, I know EXACTLY how you feel

I myself have felt that way many a time before
