Listening to: Foot Loose
Feeling: antsy
BreakDancin is so cool I wish I could do it better. Im trying to learn more moves and stuff but I just like to sit back and watch, its sooooooooo AWESOME. I can do the windmill and some other key moves but nothing impressive like the dudes at the breakdancin battles, but thats one of my life long dreams to go to a breakdancin battle and Ya that will never happen. Weekends are fun to practice breakdancin but I dont really have a good space in my house so I like to go to my friends house and she takes the table out of her kitchen so theres this huge space. Ha HA she thinks she can breakdance because she can sort of do the thing with her leg but its no where near as what the pros do. She tries to tell me that shes teaching me how to breakdance but ya I dont think so lol. Shes still cool though. Anyway thats how cool I think breakdancin is. Later