Listening to: Slow Suicide - JamisonParker
Feeling: awkward
So what a couple of days, nothing dhas gone according to plan. Last night I got out of school and then worked until 9. At 9 I was suposed to meet Lindsay at the hockey game and go downtown to find caitlin then we were going to call meghan and find her, then go to the midnight movie. So I get off work and go home to find Lindsay online cause she got grounded, and then Caitlin stopped by and said she was really tired and was going home. So I called Meghan like a million times and no answer so I knew my friend Sarah had been downtown so I called her and she was at a friends house and they were watching a movie so they told me I could go there if I could find the house. So I dropped all my plans to go with them and it was crazy fun. Then toay I was home alone all day and did absolutely nothing. It was really lonely. I like sang JamisonParker songs all day. Then tonight I went to the hockey game. Paid and then me an mel and britt and Davy left and walked up to mc ds. Then on the way back to the rink we walked through the park and Mel like freaked out cause she thought she saw someone, and no ones suposed to be in there so it was pretty funny. Anyways then back at the game I hung out wiht Jami, Carly and Jill and it was the weirdest time ever. My money got stolen by kids who thought I was drunk and wouldnt notice, and I never did get it back. Damn twelve year olds... all these stoned drunk kids having sex behind the rink, what a great generation....
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