Best Day Ever!!!

Listening to: D12 - My Band
Feeling: awesome
Today is the best Day ever!!!!! Finally there was a hot day. Two days ago I went outside without my liner in my coat and almost froze to death and today I went outside with a t-shirt on and tha sun felt sooooo great. Lots of sun makes the snow melt so I just got in from skating for two hours. To my surprise I wasnt half bad considering I hadnt skated for like five months. Oh I love it SOOOO much!!!! I'm going to go back out here in a sec. Another good thing happened today. I found out that Usher broke up with Chili!! So now he's mine for the taking, Ha Ha. Anyway I'm off for the Skatepark. Later MLE
Read 15 comments
wow...i love the feeling of sunshine too! its radical 8-) going to try to start skateboarding and drums and when i ever get the chance surfing...i already play guitar...but i wanna start drums so we have a drum player for my band...wel not MY band mine jakes'nate's and charm's band..
yeah it would be pretty hardcore to get mine pierced, but eh idunno.
ahh! why did he break up with her!? hes hott so im happy but yy! lol he has a nice body! woop! -kim :)
yeah my friend ollied a loading dock while his board was on fire go to and then click on TEAM then Billy
HEyy! thats awsum that ur always happy lol i try to always be happy too! Write back if u want!!
:: Alex ::
YAy! No snow!! That's always good. Make skating a whole lot of a hell easier.
yeah the weathers finally getting decent i gotta go out and skate too. im an emily to but im 13 yeah. well .later
i hate the song your listening to. has to be the most annoying one


glad your having lovely weather

i hate living in pittsburgh

thats awesome that you skate. im too much of a clutz
Yea, Parents suck. Well. Actually I love my dad. But whatever. Oh man, I love the warm weather too. I didn't wear a coat today either. Where do you live? Yea. ttyl
sk8 sk8 sk8 sk8 sk8 KEEP SKATING!
I live down in Rhode Island.
songs annoying and eminem should be shot numerous times for being a wigger
MY BAND is such a friggin amazing song
MY BAND is such a friggin amazing song
your lucky it was warm were i live but now its getting cold for some reason. I thought it was supposed to be spring:(