Listening to: Jigalo - R. Kelly
Feeling: jinxed
My predictions were right, today turned out to be a SNOW DAY!!!!! Awesome Awesome Awesome. I was so happy when I woke up cuz my dad was like snow day so I got up and did a dance then flopped back on to the bed and slept for three hours. That's great that its a snow day because I didn't finish my homework lol but I'll probably still not do it but, whatever. Wow it's a blizzared out there. There's so much snow blowing around that I can't even see my neighbors' house. I am so goin outside later today, I'll probably blow away. Wow I really can't see anything except for white white white white white. It's supossed to only last one day though, so I'll probably be back to school tomorrow. Well I better go start my shoveling. Later
where are you from? It is hot here today almost 65 degrees now! I am in southern Indiana.
AWww so lucky you had snow!