Listening to: Glass Dance - The Faint
Feeling: blonde
So wow what a couple of weeks... starting with this four day weekend....
Thursday: school for the day then that night I went to Dylans. I didn't know him except from seeing him at school in the talent shows and assemblies and just being a super cool and great guy that I've admired forever now and then finding myself in, Duncan, Carly and Kevan spent the night, drinking and playing pictionary.
Friday: Sat around, didn't so much, then went to work an hour early so Valene could go to Halifax with Becker. Had an alright close with, Mark Denise and Braedon. Then walked home with Mike and Denise and watched them jump on random trampolines while I was too scared ahah.
Saturday: Oh glorious Saturday! Best day I've had in a very long time. Well started with a beautiful day. I was making preparations for that night and looking for some kick ass CDs to bring to Mikes BBQ. Worked from 2 to 8 with Denise and then we walked in the rain to town. We bought some supplies and kicked it to Mike's. When I got there, Dustin meghan and mike were in the shed BBQing and Melinda, Ashley and Brittany were in the house starting to drink. Then Sam and Cassandra showed up and everyone was feeling fine. Then Scot and Jessica showed up and I totally called out Scott on some personal stuff Jess had told me. Ha it was not good. Next thing I know, Harv, Duncan, Kevin, Dylan and Pat are there! And so now its a party. So we were playing twista, and other stuff. Then dylan and Meghan somehow hooked up and then we got a vid of it haaaaa. And moi and Kev? Then Dustin told me some really personal stuff and I slept in a bed that other people had possibly done it/stuff in it haha what a night.
Sunday: Sat around, slept then closed work with denise and braedon and made him a cake for his birthday. He was being such an iditot that night so he can eff himself.
Then today I worked 2 till 8 and hung with nicole and liked the new workerrrrrr.
And last weekend was great and im a loser burn out.
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