
Feeling: blonde
Wow this song is odd, but awesome. Anyways I just realized that I'm not going to be sleeping for the next two weekends, because next weekend I'm going to an all night movie, and the weekend after that I'm going to this all night thinger with a bunch of friends. The all night movie should be funny because the movies playing are "Harold and Cumar" and "Dodge Ball" and "The Exersist." So I'll be all tired and falling asleep and then the exersist will have a scary part and it will wake me up. So I'm looking forward to that. Then the next weekend I'm going to a hockey game and then bowling and then at midnight were going to this indoor amusement park for the rest of the night. SO holy shit Ima be tired come the monday after the second weekend! Anyways Later mle
Read 16 comments
haha blondes dont do it better mexican chicks do it the best. and it was really fuckin funny but then it got old. thats just me i would go see it if i was you.
it made me think too.

bmx is better.
Shit man, that's insane. I could never do that. Good luck trying to stay awake during school. =
sounds like fun. i thought dodgeball was hilarious!

i do that exact same thing. my computers slow so its such a hassle to go back to my page and look.

this weekend i have nothing do to, its homecoming and i didnt go. : [
awesome possum.

Yeah. She's not seventeen, not even close. If she was, I wouldn't mind, but I'm the oldest -_-. I do however know who the freak is that was at our house. Apparently, some sixth grader......>_o
Yeah, sixth grader, or so my brother says. I can't really take his word anymore..he's..stupid. heh.

I never had any boys come over to my house. How sad. Maybe it's because I'm short and ugly, or, smarter than them and they're intimidated. Yeah. I'll go with that second one, it boosts my confidence to a -4.325. heh.
thats crazy u will b tired haha well later
Pokemon? Hah, that's mad. My siblings used to play that..they had tons of cards. I thought they were absolutely crazy. Still are.
yea its a guy, its like sooo weird though
hey... sounds like a fun 2 weeks... but yea, i jus read the past 3 of your entry's haha, talk about no life... yea, i wanna go see the forgotten... and i hope you not 2 tired for your school efforts... come visit me if you ever get bored enough...later
hey! thats sounds real fun!
bye bye - Cris
this is to your last entry but ya i got scared on the part where the people would get sucked into the sky and i threw my popcorn on the lady in front of me =P
Thanx, I like your backround... Is that pic at the top of your entries your skateboard>? cuz its sweet.
yeah i like the rain! and beating up guys is the best! especially when they are an asshole.......yep! if they are hott it isnt much fun..but a lil!
blondes do do it better, except when it comes to me and then BAM! no contest. word. keep skatin,