So Sad!

Listening to: Dip it low (remix)
Feeling: sane
So tonight was so sad. It was the dance and I was having a grand old time, haha actually it was pretty fun, until I danced with this guy. We were dancing to a slow song and it was a good song I can't remember which one it was... anyways so he starts crying so I'm all like Oh my god whats wrong? And his mom had died 2 years ago and either they played that song at the funeral, or it made him think of her, anyways we stopped dancing and I was trying to help him and then he ran to the bathroom and some people went after him so it was really sad! And I felt really bad for him after that. But other than that, that dance rocked! Laters mle
Read 2 comments
aw that is really sad poor guy. well thats cool that the dance was cool well later byby
THank you i was readin the " So sad" entry and i was like fuck.. thats horrible! My real close friend's dad past away like a month ago but i havnt seen her yet. So i felt a kinda connection when i was readin your entry.
Bye Bye