Listening to: Clap Back
Feeling: useless
Well today was great! We had our little school's recreation of American Idol and people from our school tried out. Some were really good but others not so much. Man I almost burst out laughing like ten times and it didnt help with Cassandra and Meghan sitting beside me breaking out in laughter like every second. There were some good ones though but they didnt audition until the end so before the second last I thougt there was no hope for our school. The rest of my afternoon was pretty boring, the last two classes of the day usually are. Tomorrow hopefully will be a snow day!! That'd be awesome because just lately school has been so pointless, we're not learning anything will actually use ever again so ya school just sucks. Today was okay though with the crapy singers and the snow day tomorrow hopefully. Anyways, Later
I mean, I would never go up there and do that to myself, but eh- w/e floats ur boat I guess. And if singing crapilly (if its a word) is the boat floater (lol) then....yea!