Dance Dance

Listening to: Combat Baby - Metric
Feeling: blonde
I got like 5 hours of sleep last night, even less actually, and I'm not the least bit tired, it's weird. But today is my first of three days off so thats some wicked stuff! Thursday I'm going to a water park "Magic Mountain," with a bunch of friends. Michael (my ex) could possibly be going, I asked him too. He told me about this girl who started liking him and stuff, so I told him to bring her along. Haha talk about making a situation weird. But I'm glad he's moved on, cause I have too and I don't want to hurt him. And he is such a sad story I hope he finally gets what he needs. Anyways I'm surprisingly looking forward to Thursday, me and Sarah and getting lots of pics of those hotties... dear god let there be no moobs! Ahh haha work was fun last night, I think I'm starting to crush on a guy. He's conviniently also going to this water park so should be a good day, see yah mle
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the sympathy I once had for you did not drift away slowly but erupted into hate