Feel the Hate

Feeling: emotional
Wow the world sucks ass. I'm fed up with everything, ha typical eh? Almost everyone sucks at the moment, I can think of only a few who don't. I have alot of hate at the moment. Living here is really depressing. My friend who just moved here talks about her home town and it sounds so kick ass. Maybe that's why I think she's so awesome, cause she understands things, people here just don't get it. I hate it here so bad, I can hardly wait to leave. My best friend is mad at me for some reason, and I can hardly call her my best friend anymore, shes one of those ones who just walks away when you try and talk to them. Well fuck that. I'm tired of always kissing peoples asses, people can just go and blow themselves. I have kick ass plans this weekend, with a couple people I can still stand, but those might get screwed up. Maybe not though, a bitch might eff everything up. But if all goes well it will involve a drunk parade. Wow those few people I can stand I sure do love. On the brighter side though I'm getting a drumset next week. And I got new converse last week... Along with checkered laces. And I have dreams about playing "Trying to Escape the Inevitable" by Pency Prep on the drums at the next battle of the bands, why that song I don't know but that would be so effing kick ass. If anyone knows a good site for drum tabs besides MX Tabs let me know... Em*
Read 6 comments
thanks :)
Yea....i hate fitness testing....it makes me hurt like the shit!

yeah kinda lol well thanks for the comment

hey i love ur profile layout. will u be willing to help me with my layout. i have a picture i want to use but i dont know how to get it as my background
woops didnt mean to leave that last comment annon. will u please help me with my layout. like tell me the steps to do?
for sure