
Listening to: 3000 years - Busted
Feeling: blonde
I just got back from my friends house and we watched Scream3. Horror movies dont usually scare me, like the ring didnt scare me at all just for the fact that I knew that that could never happen in real life but "When Strangers Call" and the "Scream" series it freaks me out a bit because that could really happen and it be like super scary if it did. Another one was "Texas Chainsaw Masscre," because that was supposedly based on a true story so yeah ahhh. I get so angry during horror movies though, because all the people are stupid and like always go up the stairs when the could just run outside to their neighbors house to call for help! And also when they hear a noise and just keep walking to where the noise is, like common at least take someone with a weapon with you. Also when their waiting for the killer a lot of people just sit and hide.... "don't grab something to defend yourselve with or anything." lol Anyways Later MLE
Read 20 comments
ya i wus gonna say sumthin really witty an funny but i think ur really cool and stuff ya uh kaskaf'sd;afa
that is so fucking true too haha.


omg i feel the same way in scary moves

its like UHG! u stupid person





x[x] MoO?!? [x]x
i rekon aye!! those movies piss the shit out of me, just because the're so frustrating to watch!!

ahah kudos.
lol its ok...ive been many times to im kind of sick of it.
i get that alot
haha..tomatoes are only yucky when they get thrown at you.
k k lol ill talk to u later my s/n shvjp ya lol score later
ya it should ssound nice cuz id do u i mean i totally would i dig u dood and i want u
FUCK i was hoping for a relastionship FUCK
i really like ur diary. nice board. lol. thanx for the comment. can i add u to my friends list?
Nope. puer healthy white ass
lol thank you...

man, he was cute..

no kidding.
he looked like his twin. dude that was a shock.
but he has two daughters and a wife who looks so much older than he is.

oh yeah i was it was great. my name is brittany lets chat awsome pimp diary
blondes DO WHAT??? better exactly???
hey cool diary
thanks for commenting on mine
your board is awesome..i wish i could skate ;p lol

p.s. if you dont mind im going to add you to my friends list
7 days!!!
lmao, killer top left pic..

nice diary..