Listening to: The Used
Feeling: angry
Sooo long time no update. High Lights of summer:
-yearbook camp
-getting trashed before yeabook camp, peter trying to talk me into a threesome and then throwing all my clothes I had packed for yearbook camp out.
-Britts party with justin in a tent, then falling asleep to wake up to quite the surprise.
Ahh last weekend I went out wiht melissa ane meghan to a party with all the grads that came back and it was fun. But im too lazy to write about that. Im grumpy and righ tnow I dont really like well anyone.
Life Blows
So I dont understand why people have to be stupid and (girly word) incensitive.
So Meghan pisses me off because she treats people like shit and then write on her lj how she doesnt have a good home life and doesnt get attention and then she made out with Peter at the party and fuck I said Id stop saying shit about her but she pisses me off. Im going to hell.
Ryan is annoying the fuck out of me. He's cool for like two seconds but then he doesnt realize when he's taking things to far. he keeps making this joke that Ive told him to fuck off about and that it actually makes me mad when he says it and he contnues to go on about it.
Caitlin, god, movie movie movie, everything we talk about is about this movie we are making and she just doesnt shut up and does all this crap thats not necessary and its annoying as hell!
Jacob, he watches everything I eat and is all like "Oh look shes eating." and he put mayo in my drink and I drank it and hes always going on about how im a skank or something and fuck he claims not to remember when we made out last year when it was mostly him (eww). And he's just as damn skinny as I am so I dont know what the fuck he cares about what I eat... hes an idiot and I really hate him.
Brandon, is a little gay bitch who thinks he is the shit. I dont even know if he's joking when he says shit to me. But I really hate him too.
Kayla! what an idiot.. holy shit all day shes like not talking to me so im like whatever and I get home and she sends me this bullshit on msn saying I got her whole family in this big ass fight. And im all like what the fuck are you talking about you crazy bitch?... she had her story all wrong and had been just fucking with me all day, well tomorrow im not even talking to her because she's an idiot... and mean to her parents and a fuck head. thats right fuck head.
Marc, took me out of his top 8 on myspace.... bitch! Another way to bring me down. Haha
Melanie, one minute shes nice the next she crazy, and all she does is go on about how no one loves her, and Id set her up if she'd shut up for half a second.
Emma, expects too much from boys.. i dont blame her and am not mad at her in the least, i need to set her up too. I hope she gets happy.
Braedon, I hate braedon, hes mean, stupid and all he ever does is talk about video games. He's just such a retard who cares about no one.
Matt, smelt horrible today!
This sounds so stupid.. but I just cant take these people anymore. Like the people I just named are some of my best friends. Plus I have a million things to do tonight.. and its just stupiddd
I swear im not a mean person ha just had to get that out. Fuck them
.... much better
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