Listening to: In My Continental
Feeling: excited
Oh my god, finally I'll get back to the skateboarding!!! I missed having no skateboarding all winter but next weekend Xtreme Sk8 in hostin some of the biggest names in boarding and Shalyn and me are soooo there. Stevie Williams, Marcus McBride and Ryan Gallant from California's DGK Skateboards will be in the Maritimes (Eastern Canada)!! The Maritimes!!! Wholy no one ever comes here. Geeze the biggest name we've like EVER had in the Maritimes was like NickelBack. Other then that, no one. So this rocks hard core. Can't wait!! I'm so getting my board signed. It'll rock so much. Even though I won't get to skate,I'll get to go watch the coolest people skate. After that me and Shalyn will probably go Skateboarding anyway will work aroud the snow. O man I can't wait. Anyway, that's all for now.
<3 ..dana
Lucy x x x
gag reflexes.
Peace out and Jesus loves you!