we're all the same

school is an insitution with purpose i am not sure of. i think everybody is against me. literally. and i think people think things about me that im sure never crossed their mind. because. im over analytical. and im classified like that. and i take situations and let them bother me. get into my nervous system. little things. insignificant things. i think about how they affect peoples perceptions of me. or themselves. or life in general. and it doesnt really matter anyway. but school. school i just cant figure it out. its said to be a so-called "right" or "privilege". but i privilege is not something you are forced to do. by definition, a privilege should really be optional. and it does give us more options. but really only option that fit under categories all in the general idea to help promote our economy or government in some way. no matter what i do im a beneficial part of this capitalist society. that sucks. but i think that these institutions called schools. are deindividualizers. they take individualism out of indivisuality. in every way possible. they group us together. the teenagers that go to high school. and we do this and that. and we all fit in with eachother. because, look at us. all the same. when theres 2000 of us together its real easy to group us as one. and the fact that they dare make it a requirment to learn. to... learn about extreme things such as the philosophy of being an individual. schools are actually promoting being a anti conformist. but yet they have dress codes and rules and are completely conforming institions. its a ridiculous contradiction.i dont know what to think about it. and by teaching the principles of being an individual, you are making the word an impossible goal to accomplish. i hate fitting in with others. and i think its extremely strange how one group of people tried their hardest to fit in as much as possible and another group of people does as much as possible to stand out, but usually ending in a failed attempt because they fit in with the other people like themselves. either way, both groups do this with the same goal in mind. to find some kind of identity. humans love to classify, and humans love identification. i'm even doing it right now. it would be almost impossible not to. i dont know what makes people different from one another. how they act, what they do, what they say. is that what makes a personality? but many things in all of those categories are similar to one another. so what is it, that makes us different? nothing. i dont feel as if all of my friends are the same. but it really scares me to think that they are. and i am. especially that i am. i dont like name brands. or mass production. or the teaching of individuality in school. i hate control. controlled environments. they drive me crazy because i am so fearful of being the same. of everyone being the same.
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