
why an update? because i'm awesome. so i think i'm bi-polar. or maybe just a teenager. yeah, that's it. mom and i went house hunting. it sucks, because we only found houses in mars hill. i figured; if we move to mars hill, i'm either gonna make friends with everyone, be against everyone, or learn to fight. i know a shitload of kids there. but there's a shitload i don't know. moreso the gangster kids. there's a few skaters i don't know. and skaters are good. because i always seem to make friends with them. so yes. but. we found a few houses. none that we're for sure getting. none that we aren't getting. there's this one small one. it's really cute. needs a little bit of work. and it's cheap. but my room would be the upstairs. it's one room. 27x11. huge. i'd deck the fuck out of it. we'll see though. mars hill isn't exactly my cup of piss. as long as it's not an apartment or trailer. tomorrow's warped tour and i'm not going with keith. keith's a liar. he said that karma didn't sell tickets. turns out they do. turns out they always have. and blahblah. i'm not gonna talk to keith for a bit. he's pissing me off. so today mom and i went and got two tickets. if i can't find anyone to go with, i'll take her. i have a shitload of people who'd like to go, but we'll see. either way, i'm going, and that's all that matters. plus, taylor will be there with alex and kiley. and mikey will be there. he might be giving me a ride. if not, then sheena will. and if not, and all else fails, my mom and i will be going. marissa's starting shit for no reason. she's fourteen, so it's to be expected. yeah, i am younger, but i'm also wiser, and more mature. i don't start shit for no reason, nor do i get my sister to say things i'm too afraid to say. megan and i talked it over, and we're okay. if marissa wants to start shit, then okay, i'm ignoring it, because i refuse to stoop that low. it's stupid, and pointless. she can have her fun acting as if we're in elementary school. last night esty, coty, raul, and kevin came over. we hungout for about two hours. had cherry wars. coty and esty were on one team. kevin, raul, and i on the other. it was definitely fun. but it hurt. kevin kept touching my ass. he's really stupid. hanging out with them was fun. esty's such a cutie. but i definitely don't like him. make sense? it should. he's an asshole for what he did. remember how i said i was over the chevelle kid? well, i am. kindof. i heard the clincher today, and felt really bad. maybe he'll be at warped tour. after warped tour, i won't care much about it at all. i won't care much about anything. music, especially if it's live, totally makes me feel better about everything. i've been wanting to see avenged sevenfold and atreyu for over a year now. it's gonna be amazing. after warped tour i'm saving up for my camera. and i'm starting piano lessons eventually. i'll be better with everything, and probably in higher spirits. i can't wait. school isn't too far from now. i hate the first day. my lunch number is 44800. i gotta remember that for the third year. ahh. it's 209. and i'm making brownies. that's good, right? nick and hilary don't go out yet. it's stupid. they might as well. i guess he doesn't want to or something. *shrugs* i could give a fuck less about em. we get mc hammer tomorrow for good. that cat's so fucking hilarious. i'm taking a chance and bringing my camera to warped tour. why not? take care everyone.
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yes that is good VERY GOOD

brownies are the best!
i liek ur diary..is taht u?