
i just downloaded this trippy trance music by some band called "arashi". i dont know why i thought to write this. but it makes me feel very funny. like ive taken some kind of drug that i cant think of right now. a mixture of drugs even. the girls voice kind of sounds like shes trapped in a jar. a condiments jar!! creepy. cool. i dont know how many times i have listened to this song now. but it has not failed to make me feel weird yet. i took my costume off. i had to pee. it wasnt that bad. i even took my hair out. and put pajamas on. and i bought socks from target that have pigs on them and say "hokey pokey" and my mom and i bought more dorky halloween jewelry. and today i wore it with my target shirt. oh wow. targets my life. my dream is to work there someday. oh yess. i think ill be off now. just one more day...
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AAAHHH a fellow target lover. Rashy and I are applying for jobs there over break. You should join us. We could all work there together. and at night when we close up we can throw confetti ALL OVER the place!
Now I want to download that song.
call me over break-648-5949.
ohhhhh maaaaah gaaaaaah! i secretly love and desire trance music.... ahhhh! way to go!

caitlin....becca was just talking about how cool and stuff she thinks you are and i was like CAITLIN?? I LOVE THAT GIRL. yeah...just thought you should know.