blah blah blah

What I hate more than anything, are these lame papers Mrs. Post makes us fill out. "Identity"... respond. and "Who am I?" Jesus fucking christ, I might kill myself because bullshiting these is deteriorating my soul and dignity. I spend a lot of time by myself now. I like it. I need it. I try not to do it too much, but jesus it's my natural tendency. Coming home, doing homework, napping, having dinner, listening to music, reading. It's what I like to do. I'm afraid to get too into it, especially since tomorrow is Friday funday and I should do something but probably won't want to. Olivia never hangs out with me now because she has a boyfriend. I feel funny about it. I still want to spend a few days in doors. I have art to do and sleep to wallow in.
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i want to!
that seems like a crisis and yet not... well i hope you figure it out...