bubble pod space

I bought a nano ipod. It's really cute and I ran with it and I like it. I've been downloading tons of "podcasts" which are basically free radio shows and some free songs. Supasweet? (!) The downside? I have a complex about iPods and what they mean to society. The fact that you can use them to be somewhere else no matter where you are. The fact that people don't like to be here now. And the fact that I can now plug myself in with some headphones and be somewhere completely different. Okay, so it's really nice, but I still feel a little guilty. Oh well! I'm always society's bitch in one way or another. Yesterday at work I had the worst self confidence. I was convinced (for various good reasons) that a lot of people hated me. This lead to my back aching from carrying heavy things with bad posture. Now I'm off of my "everybody hates me" thing and I've jumped onto a boat called "they may hate me, but I don't care" which means that I'm going to get my dad to teach me some banjo and I really want some bee boxes. That's all.
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