I'm bad.

After every good streak there is a burst of bad. Just to even things out you know. I was saving money and applying for scholarships and all this crap and then BOOM. I got mad because I had to work today and nobody told me and so afterwork I spent 3 hours at the mall buying everything that I couldn't afford and didn't need. I didn't by tennis shoes like I said I would and I didn't buy a new purse like I actually want. I bought shirt. And more shirts. And then I stole a few more. I had to transfer practically my whole savings over to my checking to make up the difference. I'm bad. And I'm behind on 3 projects now rather than 2. And I desperately need to lose my (overly) cosy tummy. And I have a boat load of Mrs. Gustafson homework. Gah. Oh, and work tomorrow. I hate you I hate you. But my French teacher is still really sexy. And my new favorite sayings are "oui, ca va" and "tres sexi". Oh, and I bargained at Toxic. I got them to give me 15% off. And Charlotte Rousse is stupid because they hired a boy to handle the dressing rooms. I saw him walk in on almost every girl in the place, then tell me it was okay to say I had 6 items when I had 7 (aka the only thing a serial shoplifter needs to hear)
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