
I actually kind of heart my dentist now. I saw him again and he really likes to explain what he's doing to his patient. He's seems very intelligent. And he's good looking. And I gushed this to my sister and mom. 20 years isn't that much of an age gap. And it turns out he's.... indonesian. or malaysian. or something nice and exotic like that. mmmmm. Ali Saeghi, DDS. Mrs. Ali Saeghi. I made the new Gwen Stefani CD. I haven't listened all the way through but so far it's quite terrible. Yesterday I saw Lemony Snicket and Darkness. The first was pretty good, well it looked great and the children were beautiful. And the second was reeeeeeeally good. But the theatre was literally packed with stupid mexicans who don't appreciate good movies and have no respect for the people around them. And the boy next to me smelled like a mix between Chinese food broccoli and moth balls and he breathed heavilly. Ew.
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one time i fell in love with my malofaxial surgeon named hooman zaringadelf or something. he was brown, sexy, and wore rubber shoes. so i can relate. kind of.