I'm excited.

Because I'm a homebody, I've been painting, I have a three day weekend and plenty of homework to fill it up with, I arranged a budget for myself, it's yummy grey rainy outside, horror movies are on the rise again, Avery Tare of my favorito bando likes horror movies just like I do in the same way in the same style, I might choose homework/staying home/being healthy and/or seeing a movie over partying tonight, and therefore have changed (partially) my lifestyle from going-out girl to homebody. I really want a Cosm-girl so I can learn to get the attention of my new obsession: a died-black-hair and pale skin boy who I think transfered from Foothill with his curly-red-haired friend and looks at me sometimes and I look at him and I find him undenyable sexy and I'm getting off on the I'm the good girl, you're the bad boy who I can't resist thing. It's like Greese 2006 at VHS. Painting is frustrating and exhilerating and exciting and scary all at the same time. I think it's the best thing I've done for myself in ages. And for your entertainment, here is an excerpt from this piece of paper of my dad's that is sitting next to me. It's in thick, probably drunk, Scottish accent. Whake up! Werrafukarye ye bastirts. Ah'm here, oh aye ah'm here awright, jis me, tryain tae make sens of thiu yooniverse an ye ye bastirts ur in yer kip... An yer naw.. yer' fuggin SLEEPIN. Caw yersel freenso mineses, Ye FUSKJKIN URNAE! Freens. Uye dinny ken the meanin o ra wurd. IF. an Ah'm seyin IF ye wur freens ye'd fuggin be ther. reddy wi a soothin wurd. THere there sgrips, yer awrite pal. yer aw riht. Here. we nitecap furye Ah'll get ye tae yer bed an sooth yer heid ye furry wee bastirt. yer a bit foo the noo ken... sfughhgin basitirs, AHM AH RA AINLY Wan LEFT OAN THIS PLANIT ur WHIT???? And believe it or not, almost all of those are not typos. And now it's hailing. It's amazing and a little bit beautiful. It looks like the inside of those pretend vacuum cleaners, with little tiny styrafoam balls popping allover the place. I really like it. And it's making me think that I will really like Scotland's weather more than I thought I would. Mmm mmm mmm. Good. Who wants hamburgers?
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i love that exerpt