maybe i should throw that ups package at your head

Feeling: annoyed
i hate how you think things, and they could be so insignificant. something that will only last a day or two. but you say something about it, tell a friend or write about it in your diary, and then its considered a hard fact. thats just how you are now. maybe some feelings are not to be shared. im a moody person, so if everytime im annoyed, i say it or write it, that would probably make me sound like a very fucked up, shit-talking person. i dont know how to make my point... its just that some times you have a feeling that only lasts an hour but if you release it from yourself, everyone else thinks you always feel like this. so i got annoyed. got a little jealous. said something about it. now im officially not over anything, and this makes me a bad person. it sucks that your a bad person if you ever remember anything that almost killed you not too long ago. really, it wasnt that long ago. its not fair to hear from someone who DIDNT go through it say how you should be over it. oh wow. you know what CARISSA? there, i said your name. you should shut up about me getting over it. ive heard you say it so many times, even when i wasnt over it. and you know what? its FUCKED UP. its none of your business, you were never in my shoes, so you have no right to say anything dealing with emily and i's relationship. yes, YOU did move on, but YOU were never in the same spot as anyone else were you? im over it. it doesnt mean i dont still have an emotional memory. i feel better now. no wars. i needed to say that. im not mad at anyone anymore. back to normal. wooosh. HALLWEEN is in one week! I cant wait :) today my mom and i went to goodwill after too long at the fabric store and bought two dresses. tomorrow we're going to ben franklin's. im being evil tinkerbell. most uncreative thing ive ever thought of. im slightly dissapointed that the whole world is probably going to look like me. too bad i had this idea last halloween too. well, thats all folks. kiss my egg yolks.
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go to the parking structure next to the ventura theatre at 9 pm on halloween, ther ewill be a danse party, we will all be there!!!!! you haaaaave to go!

