Back from the dead!

I'm back! Yayy! You know, I always avoided the whole "I'm over this".. "No wait, I'm back" diary situation by simply not ambandoning this guilty pleasure. I've now learned my lesson. Work has been going incredibly. I've been there for almost a week now, and I know that it's very good for me. I now have the stability that I need. I have a reason to stay sober during the week, I have responsibity, I have a planned schedule, regular income, and a reason to be nice. Not to mention the domination aspect. It's really the only situation I'm ever in where I am the one being dominated. I really like feeling like I'll do whatever I'm told to do, and I will. The people I work with are all really nice, normal people. I do tons of filling at record speeds and I even get to wash dishes sometimes. And I think one of the best parts is trying to be respectable. I get to wear clothes that really cover me up and make me look good, sophisticated, and still cute. I maintain a good amount of dignity, and it's just beautiful. Who knew something like a job could be so good for you. Right now it's afterwork. Which is really my only time besides the weekends to be stoney. I can't wait =)
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hey resurrected crispy cait
where r u working? im glad ur alive and kickin like a tickled monkey... PEACE!
