I'm going to fly away again

I woke up this morning, washed my face in the sink, and looked up at the mirror and thought, "Sometime soon I'm going to discover one of my major flaws." It's amazing how much the human being can sense about themselves without ever realizing it because they never listen. For the past few months I've felt really strong, unbeatable, and now I'm realizing that I'm just weak and scarred. I'm a commitment-phobe and I can't face anything real. I hop along, jumping on people like they're lilly pads and I'm a frog. I guess I'm just confused. I don't know how I feel because my true feelings are so clouded over with these bullshit feelings such as fright, weakness; and what's real is distorted by unreal stories that I tell myself, pretend memories. I don't know who I am, who I should be, anything. I think I'm in the process of another soul change. There's so much life outside of mine and I never want to get stuck walking down one path. I'm never going to stop switching lives. I can't. I'm getting out of this country. I've got to try; I've been to long here. I need to move on to other experiences, to other cultures. The world is so big, and I so small, and I am not taking this to my advantage. I'll be gone as quick as I can.
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god you are seriously amazing. the things you share with the world in here make me think a lot and i really enjoy reading it.
caitlin--you are so beautiful and deep. eventually you will find what you're searching for. everything happens for a reason. much love, brianne