so well. swell.

I don't know how, but things have gotten better again. I think Chris filled me to the brink on the emotional boyfriend scale, and so I no longer feel like "I need a boyfriend". I'm more inclined to develop friendships. And while I'm still not the friendliest of girls, I'm doing my best to say hello to people I recognize and know. I have a terrible time with this. If I recognize someone I try to avoid their gaze and avoid saying hello because for some reason, I am afraid to reach out to people without getting their firm approval. I'm wimpy/scared of people and don't quite understand human interaction. BUT. I'm working on that. Very much working on that. In fact, I decided it's my new new years resolution. So why are things so good? Well, I mentioned number one, which was Chris, and number two, which is a new goal. But I also have a superbly clean and organized room. I feel good coming home to it, following my coming-home-routine, and enjoying it's space. I think I've been spending more time at home than usual, and I really enjoy it. It's helped me to explore my interests a little more. I've been drawing more pictures and I just bought a fun book on philosophy and I've been watching the science channel. I'm more willing to hang out with new people. And old people, for that matter. I saw Emily and Carissa, am re-establishing my best-friendness with Ellison, and an old friend wants me to call her and Danny Gomez wants to hang out with me. Oh, and Nick Speegle's an option and my cat likes me again. I think that's pretty good, right? Well, I'm quite frankly a poor socializer (except when I'm encouraged by el vino) so I'm very pleased! Today I Saw Nick Goodenough at Barnes & Noble and didn't say anything. I beat myself up over that, so to make up for it, I sent him a myspace message. Lame, but at least I'm not being as shy as I used to do. And I promised myself I would never hide from someone behind shelves again. Today my teacher sat down next to me in art and was absolutely thrilled with my progress on my current self-portrait. It made me thrilled. And now I'm encouraged to do more work. And I bought about 101 organizing things today. Such as calendar, date book, drawer organizer, pencil holder, cd box, cd case. I'm pleased. So pleased.
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