You're a sexual person? Me too! = best thing to hear

I locked my keys in the car. I'm really bummed at having to sit in this school for another half hour. However, my day has been pretty good, despite my facial complications. My hair looks cute and two very funny boys that NEVER talk to me in math class not only talked to me but said my name (would've thought they even knew it!) AND poked me! And aferschool I got so so so close to my newest obsession. MMMph I just love it. So now that my lips are healed of their cankerpuss infestors, my face has decided to become highly unattractive and cover itself in an unexplainable rash. Gross. It's on my brow bones and around my mouth and I hate it. But at least it's not as bad as yesterday when there were whiteheaded bumps on my eyeLID. Gross. I've been wearing my cute glasses everyday so you can't see them. Yeah, I look terrible but feel cute. A very conflicting situation. Our school library doesn't have a copy of Ender's Shadow to add to my circumstances. Meaning I have to buy it and I can't get it for a few more days. Lame. So I'm going to the doctor's today at 5. To Dr. Gross. Yeah. The fat man that wheazes and IS gross. Gross. Hopefully he'll fix my face and make me beautiful again. Gagaga. I can't wait to have fun again.
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