my favorite feeling in the whole world

is definately that of getting down to business, a la the "getting ready to fight off zombies scene" which occurs in every good zombie movie. I love organizing my classes, filling out forms and signing papers. I love cleaning my room and rearranging it to best suit my needs and happiness. I love coming up with plans to deal with all that needs dealing with. I love doing homework at home (but I can't tell you the last time I did). Sooo. It's all made me kind of want to get grounded. So I can be at home too much and deal with things too much and be too organized and too happy in my room. I like things that are pleasant. I'm a hedonist. I like taking showers without the shower curtain and taking hot hot baths with music playing and sitting in the sun and mint icecream. Pooooooooh. Homebody.
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hahahahaaarrr getting ready to fight the zombies, thats pretty hilarious