First Entries...

Feeling: bummed
*stands and bows* This is my first entry here. Heh...I got fed up with my former blog/journal. The staff was just aweful and they took forever to give any support. So, since so many of my friends have journals here, I thought I'd give it a try. And yes, I created this account at 1:12 in the morning. You'll find out that I'm not one for sleeping, though I will go to bed here shortly (have to be up in like 5 hours) Anyways, expect daily updates and revieling thoughts into the way my mind works ^^. I tend to be openly honest with my friends, but there are still certain things I don't tell them. So, this is where I'll be dishing that out. So, expect a post later today after school. Ja mata and catch ya on the flip side.
Read 1 comments
Welcome to sitD. I hope you like it here.

It's da bomb.

Have a great day.
