Late night ramble

Feeling: spacey
Well, it isn't really a ramble, more like a late night hello yet an early good morning. I should really be in bed right now, but I felt like talking to someone...well someone with a small bit of sanity left. And, yet, all those people are asleep in their beds dreaming of crushes, battles, graduating or fame. Shouldn't that be what I'm doing? Honestly? Shouldn't I be enjoying the silent slumber instead of fighting my own eyelids to stay awake at a plastic keyboard?! all know me...too stubbornly dimwitted to do that. Nope, instead I have a desire to write out my sorrow and heart-felt anger to the world! *looks at the clock* It is to be up in a few hours. D*** it! I guess I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Ja mata and catch ya on the flip side.
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