Let me win, just once...

Listening to: 'Ready-Steady-Go!!'
Feeling: crushed
First, and foremost: Hope you're feeling a little better today, Jess. I tried to give you a call, but didn't try again, figuring you'd want your rest. *hugs* If you aren't feeling better, then feel better soon. And now, for today. Not much really happened. I wrote the very last chapter of Boundless just to get a feel for the ending. If anyone wants to read it and know how it all ends, let me know. Drew for a bit, went for a run, and that's about it. Nobody was around to talk to, so I've been really quiet and took a couple surveys (posted in the end). Sprite left a message about applying to Chuck-E-Cheese. Heh...could be interesting. Arcade games and working with a friend could be cool. I've been doing some thinking, too. I want to do something, but I need someone's opinion. *sighs* Bell, I wish you were online right now. Oh well, it isn't important. It can wait another day. Anyways, that's all for now. I'll talk to you all later. Until our paths cross again, later! Random 100 1.) First grade teacher’s name: I try to forget my grade school years. 2.) Last word you said: Um...*blushes*...it was actually a person’s name. 3.) Last song you sang: ‘Ready-Steady-Go!!’ - L`Arc~en~Ciei. 4.) Last person you hugged: Jessica. 5.) Last thing you laughed at: Jessica’s hyperness. 6.) Last time you said ‘I don’t remember’: Right now, ‘cause I don’t remember. 7.) Last time you cried: Earlier today. 8.) Last time you poured super-hot, sexy fudge all over yourself: Never. 9.) What color socks you are wearing: White. 10.) What is under your bed: Stacks of anime and manga. 11.) What time did you wake up: A little past 6 AM. 12.) Current taste: Anything Japanese. 13.) Current hair: Jet black. 14.) Current crush: ...*blushes* 15.) Current annoyance: Myself. 16.) Current longing: ...*blushes* 17.) Current desktop background: A work-in-progress collage of pictures from my last anime club. 18.) Current worry: That I’ll never be good enough for anyone. 19.) Current hate: Myself. 20.) Current favorite article of clothing: My black ‘Inuyasha’ hat. 21.) Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex: Eyes and smile. 22.) Last CD that you listened to: ‘Fullmetal Alchemist: OST Vol. 1’. 23.) Favorite place to be: With my friends. 24.) Least favorite place: Depend on my mood. 25.) Time you wake up in the morning: Around 5 AM if I even go to bed. 26.) If you could play an instrument, what would you play: Guitar. 27.) Favorite color: Black. 28.) Do you believe in an afterlife: Heaven. 29.) How tall are you: Tall enough to be happy. 30.) Current favorite word/saying: ‘With a keen eye for detail, one truth will prevail!’. 31.) Favorite book: ‘Kingdom Come’ - Alex Ross/ Mark Waid. 32.) Favorite season: Winter. 33.) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Geoff. 34.) Song currently listening to: ‘Vindicated’ - Dashboard Confessional. 35.) Where do you want to go to college: Chicago if plans don’t work out. 36.) What is your career going to be like: Manga artist. 37.) How many kids do you want: As many as my wife would want. 38.) Eaten an entire gallon bucket of ice cream in one day: Yep, ‘cause I’m a fatty. 39.) Said "I love you" and meant it: Only in my dream. 40.) Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: Yeah, at least twice. 41.) Been to New York: Not yet. 42.) Been to Florida: Nope, don’t want to either. 43.) Been to California: No, but I’m planning to for a convention. 44.) Been to Hawaii: I wish. 45.) Been to Mexico: Hell no, and I pray I never do. 46.) Been to China: No, I’m a Japanese fan. 48.) Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: No, cause if I did, I’d be married, be Superman, or...*blushes*...god that was an awesome dream last night. 49.) Um...there wasn’t a question here....so...um...yeah. 50.) Sent someone to the hospital: Nope....though there are a couple I want to. 51.) Been naked in public: Nope. 52.) Do you have a crush on someone: *blush* I’ve blushed how many times now? So, yeah...of course I do. 53.) What book are you reading now: The entire ‘Chobits’ series 54.) Worst feeling in the world: Never being good enough for someone I like. 55.) What is the first thing you think of when you wake in the morning: ‘God, dreams are better than waking up alone.’ 56.) How many rings before you answer: Enough to check the caller I.D. to see if I actually want to talk to them. 57.) Future daughter's name: I’ve always liked Alexandria 58.) Future son's name: Yusuke is pretty sweet, so is Senji...^^ 59.) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Not since I was 12. 60.) If you could have any job you would want to be: Voice director for dubbing anime. 61.) Wish were here: Grr...*blushes*...STOP.MAKING.ME.BLUSH!!!! 62.) College plans: None for at least the next year. 63.) Piercing: Nopers. 64.) Do you do drugs: No, but crack would be cheaper than anime and manga. 65.) Do you drink: No alcohol, but yes. 67.) What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: It varies. 68.) What are you most scared of: I won’t say my worse fear, but I do fear failing. 69.) What clothes do you sleep in: A pair of house pants and my favorite anime shirt. 70.) Who is the last person that called you: Kaitlin and Kei. 71.) Where do you want to get married: Next to the girl fate decides to let me be with. 72.) If you could change anything about yourself what would it be: My size. 73.) Who do you really hate: Shallow preps. 74.) Been In Love: I wouldn’t call it love, just a really big crush. 75.) Are you timely or always late: Very punctual. 76.) Do you have a job: No, not yet, but I plan to. 77.) Do you like being around people: Only ones I like. 78.) Best feeling in the world: Being with those that accept me. 79.) Are you for world peace: Yes and no. I’d love for everyone to be happy, but peace cannot without chaos. Total world peace would bring us an imbalance. 80.) Are you a health freak: No, but I’m trying to be. 81.) Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: No, because...well, there isn’t a category for her. 82.) Do you want someone you don't have: *sigh*... 83.) Are you lonely right now: *sighs even louder and heavier*... 84.) Ever afraid you'll never get married: Very much so. 85.) Do you want to get married: Yes. 86.) Do you want kids: How ever many my lovely wife would desire. *IN THE LAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU...* 87.) Cried: Yeah. 88.) Bought Something: Yep. 89.) Gotten Sick: Only after running for hours. 90.) Sang: Once. 91.) Said I Love You: Only in my dream. 92.) Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: Um... 93.) Met Someone: Met up with someone, but not specifically met someone. 94.) Moved On: Not in the last 48 hours. 95.) Talked To Someone: Only on Saturday. 96.) Had A Serious Talk: It was semi-serious, but only to confirm a feeling. 97.) Missed Someone: Of course. 98.) Hugged Someone: Yeah. 99.) Yelled at Someone: Yeah. 100.) Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: Last night. Layers of Tim LAYER ONE: ON THE OUTSIDE Name: Tim, but better known as Senji-ku. Birth date: November 4th, 1986. Zodiac sign: Scorpio. Birthplace: Indiana. Current location: At my computer. Hair: Jet black. Righty or Lefty: Right. LAYER TWO: ON THE INSIDE Your heritage: Mostly a mixture of European with some Native American. Shoes you wore today: My favorite boots. Your weakness: *blushes*...what is it with these surveys?! Your fears: A secret. Your perfect pizza: Chicago style. Goal you'd like to achieve: Become a manga artist and...*blushes again*...STOP.IT!!! LAYER THREE: YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW Your most overused phrase on AIM/MSN: Heh/Lol. Your thoughts first waking up: ‘God, dreams are better than waking up alone.’ Your best physical feature: None that I can find. Your bedtime: It varies. Your most missed memory: Too many to really say. LAYER FOUR: YOUR PICK Pepsi or Coke: Cherry Coke. McDonald's or Burger King: Olive Garden. Single or group dates: Single. Adidas or Nike: Boots. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: A warm green tea. Chocolate or vanilla: French Vanilla. Cappuccino or coffee: Double Chocolate-Chip Frap. LAYER FIVE: DO YOU? Smoke: Nope. Cuss: At least 3 times a daily. Take a shower: Daily. Have a crush: *blushes*...I am right now. Think you've been in love: No. Liked high school: Mixed bag there, folks. Want to get married: Yes. Believe in yourself: Nope. Get motion sickness: Nope. Think you're a health freak: I’m trying to be. Get along with your parents: Not today I’m not. Like thunderstorms: I love them. LAYER SIX: IN THE PAST MONTH Drank alcohol: No. Gone on a date: No, but I want to. Gone to the mall: Yep, with Kaitlin and Jess. Been on stage: Nope. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No. Eaten sushi: Yes. Been dumped: No. Gone skating: No. Gone skinny dipping: No. Stolen anything: No, but I had my heart stolen. LAYER SEVEN: HAVE YOU EVER Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes. Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Hell no. Been caught "doing something": No, though it sounds fun. Been called a tease: No. Gotten beaten up: No. LAYER EIGHT: GETTING OLDER Age you hope to be married: Sometime in my early twenties. Number of Children: Depends on my wife. How do you want to die: In the arms of the love of my life. What do you want to be when you grow up: Artist. LAYER NINE: THE OBJECT OF YOUR AFFECTIONS Best eye color: Hers...that’s all I’m saying. Best hair color: Hers...that’s all I’m saying. Short or long hair: Doesn’t matter. Height: Well, guessing short at the moment. Best first date location: Where ever she wants. Best first kiss location: Under the moon, next to a lake...or where ever I can romantic sneak one in. LAYER TEN: IN THE NUMBERS Number of people I could trust with my life: 4...working on the 5th. Number of CD's I own: Triple digits. Number of piercing: None. Number of tattoos: None. Number of times my name has appeared in the Newspaper: Twice.
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